Sexy Hallowe'en Decor

 Whether you’re looking for ideas to sex-ify your annual Holiday fete or looking for some cost- effective ways to spice up your apartment in honour of the occasion, I’ve compiled a list of simple, chic ways to dress up your domicile, as well as a list of budget- friendly alternatives. Set the tone for a devilishly sexy soiree with these easy- to- execute ideas.

Do it With Florals

Roses works best, and if you can fit it in the budget, the more the better. Some florists will have a selection of roses died in dark colours (think deep purples, burgundies, greens, grays and blacks) on hand, but if yours doesn’t a can of aerosol spray paint will do the trick in no time. You could also try dying your flowers; simply soak in a solution of water and food colouring adjusted to suit your colour palate well in advance of the date of your party. Give it at least a week. If they emerge from the treatment looking a bit worse for wear, don’t stress; it’s in keeping with the effect you’re trying to achieve.
Do it Cheap : Stop by a Dollar Store (the good one… don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about!), and pick up some faux flowers. You should be able to find black ones well before Hallowe’en.  Dried red roses work in a pinch as well. Tuck them behind picture frames and in other areas that need a little something extra.
   Mood Lighting   
We’re going for chic here, so fibre- optic décor, fluorescent lighting of any kind, and little pumpkin heads on a string are out. Candelabras are a perfect way to set the mood, whether you can find them in wrought iron, silver, copper, or black. If you haven’t got any on hand it should be easy to source them out at any vendor specializing in party rentals, or if you’ve got time you could scour through the aisles of a couple of antique shops. You might even get lucky at your neighbourhood thrift shop. Outfit the candelabras with tapers and situate them in what will be the main focal points of your space. Fill up any gaps with candles of varying heights and widths to get the full effect. Red bulbs and low lighting will add to the drama.
Do it Cheap: Candles can be purchased inexpensively from Dollar, Discount, and Thrift stores, so search them out and stock up on as many as you can afford. The goal is to have a varied selection of heights and widths so that you can arrange them in impressive displays that will dress up any buffet, table, or counter in your space while casting the shadowy glow that will set the tone for the party.

   Textiles and Drapery

Black lace and textiles in rich fabrics and deep tones add a sexy boudoir feel to a gathering. Black and white damask makes a great accent as well. Try hanging swaths of fabric in doorways or using sheer linens as room dividers. Drape black lace over banquet tables and on any surface that detracts from the sexy- scary vibe of the room.
Do it Cheap: With backlit red curtains or sheets casting a glow over the space.

  Combine these three major elements and your space will be party- ready, but mix things up with a few easy extras and accessories to make it really fun.
-Dry Ice: Set it by the refreshments.
-Red/ black glass vases and glassware, arranged amidst candles.
-Crystal spiders, skulls, roses, etc... if it's sparkly and slightly dark, find a spot for it where it can catch the candlelight.
-Old black and white photographs:  Try tucking creepy- looking photos taken from a century ago into the frames you’ve already got up, or use thrift- store frames to display prints on surfaces and walls. Mix in a few shots of dead celebrities if you like. Computer print- outs will create the same effect as prints given the dim lighting.

The possibilities are endless. Just keep in mind that if your aim is sexy and chic, rubber severed hands and spiders in the punchbowl are not the way to go.  Keep it classy with a dark colour palate, mood lighting, and fun (if not exactly sophisticated) florals.

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